Renewable Energy Leaders Recognized at REV2019 Conference

Published in VT DIGGER
Martha Staskus received the 2019 Renewable Energy Champion Award
BURLINGTON — Recognized as New England’s premier event exploring clean energy innovation and climate solutions, Renewable Energy Vermont’s 19th annual Conference and Exposition, REV2019, themed REV It Up: Empowering Energy Transformation, convened hundreds of business, political and non-profit leaders for two days of collective re-envisioning of New England’s energy needs.
The conference also provided an opportunity to acknowledge the contributions of individuals who have devoted their lives to addressing the climate crisis by advancing renewable energy in Vermont.
“The work of our awardees moves our state to a future where we are powered by 100% renewable energy which we know is the most resilient, reliable, and cost-effective path for the future,” said Olivia Campbell Andersen, Executive Director of Renewable Energy Vermont. “Our 2019 awardees—James Moore of SunCommon and Martha Staskus of Norwich Solar—have shown us all that incredible climate action and cost savings are possible in every community when we work together.”

Martha Staskus received the 2019 Renewable Energy Champion Award. This award recognizes an individual who tirelessly ‘champions’ the benefits of developing, creating, informing, and striving to improve our state with the deployment of renewable energy generation. Martha has been involved in 4 out of 5 utility-scale wind projects in Vermont, generating about 150 megawatts of renewable energy for Vermonters. From Searsburg to Lowell to Georgia Mountain, Martha has been behind the scenes smoothing the way for permits and educating communities and regulators.
She is also responsible for getting multiple megawatts of net-metered solar projects deployed throughout the state, an effort she continues today as Vice President of Development at Norwich Solar. Martha has served as Secretary, Vice-Chair and Chair of the board at Renewable Energy Vermont and is always ready to lend a hand.
Her tireless commitment to advancing renewable energy is motivated by her profound desire to create a healthy and sustainable future for our children. “Generating clean, renewable energy here in Vermont reduces the need to import fossil-fuel-based power and reduces pollutants resulting from burning of those fuels,” says Martha. “For our kid’s sake, for our environment and our health, we all need to look at where we can make a difference and then make it happen.”
Video of the awards presentations can be found here.
Renewable Energy Vermont represents businesses, non-profits, utilities, and individuals committed to reducing our reliance on dirty fossil fuels by increasing clean renewable energy and energy efficiency in Vermont. Vermont’s clean energy economy directly enables at least 18,800 jobs at 3,612 businesses, representing approximately 6% of Vermont’s workforce. Together, we will achieve 100% total renewable energy (electric, thermal, transportation).